After seeing this, I’d be shorting Lunewave …

About a year and a half ago I had spoken to students in the 2017 McGuire New Venture Competition about their Luneburg lens pitch.

They were surprised that someone would come up and talk to them about antennas, especially a Luneburg lens.  Well, I’d been pitched Lunuberg lenses about 20 years ago.

When they told me some magic software would make it work. I offered a smile.

When the students suggested that I come in and watch their pitch, I was polite and declined.  The students had done well up at a pitch competition at ASU and expected to do well here.

But I didn’t hide the fact that i declined because I would ask some very awkward, hard to answer questions.

A lens is a lens, and a radar system incorporating multiple, multi-feed antennas with multiple Tx-Rx pairs for 360 degree coverage is of problem of much greater scope.

So when I saw this job announcement, I wasn’t very surprised.